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1:1 Bespoke Coaching

Bespoke coaching is recognising your uniqueness and tailoring a journey that works for you, in your context. 


Together we will craft a coaching experience that aligns to your needs and desired outcomes. 


Clients often want: 


 Fortnightly coaching coversations to maintain a focus on your own professional development amongst the busyness of your world.


A specific goal journey where we focus on the achievement of a desired outcome that will have the biggest impact for  you. 

The area's of focus are dependant on your situation and I often are coaching on topics like: 

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Taking people with you.

  • Challenging conversations.

  • Having a greater impact. 

  • Confidence in specific settings.

  • Managing up


To name a few.


Monthly coaching conversation to maintain you at your best, much like a Personal Trainer helps keep you physically fit. working with a coach helps your mind.

It can be lonely at the top so having a safe place, without judgement or agenda where you can express yourself freely, unpack your thinking and get the mental clarity needed. 



'You can be the leader you aspire to be.
Let's do this.'

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